Archimedes Pelican

Angular.js and Pelican

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Graduating to a more complicated D3 plot.

Here we visualize a 13-dimensional data set consisting of characteristics of 13 different wines. This data set is a common data set for machine learning classification algorithms. There are three classes corresponding to three wines from the same region of Italy.

This plot demonstrates the use of HTML inputs to filter the data.

Select first plot filter:

Select second plot filter:

Select third plot filter:

Select fourth plot filter:

class: [[wineSelected.class]]

alcohol: [[wineSelected.alcohol]]

malic_acid: [[wineSelected.malic_acid]]

magnesium: [[wineSelected.magnesium]]

total_phenols: [[wineSelected.total_phenols]]

ash: [[wineSelected.ash]]

ash_alcalinity: [[wineSelected.ash_alcalinity]]

flavanoids: [[wineSelected.flavanoids]]

proanthocyanins: [[wineSelected.proanthocyanins]]


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