Archimedes Pelican

Angular.js and Pelican

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This is a visualization of a data set of various characteristics of three different wines from the same region of Italy (from the UC Irvine Machine Learning data repository).

The data has been split into 9 (totally artificial) categories to illustrate the use of HTML widgets and Angular.js to filter data and compare classes against one another.


class: [[wineSelected.class]]

alcohol: [[wineSelected.alcohol]]

malic_acid: [[wineSelected.malic_acid]]

magnesium: [[wineSelected.magnesium]]

total_phenols: [[wineSelected.total_phenols]]

ash: [[wineSelected.ash]]

ash_alcalinity: [[wineSelected.ash_alcalinity]]

flavanoids: [[wineSelected.flavanoids]]

proanthocyanins: [[wineSelected.proanthocyanins]]


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