Prime Numbers

A list of the first 5,000 prime numbers.

The following table lists the first several thousand prime numbers, indexed in column-major order: that is, the first 100 primes are listed in the first column, the second 100 primes in the second column, and so on.

For example: to look up the 709th prime, find the 700 column, then scroll down to row 9. The 709th prime is 5381.

(709 is the 127th prime, 127 is the 31st prime, 31 is the 11th prime, 11 is the 5th prime, 5 is the 3rd prime, 3 is the 2nd prime, and 2 is the 1st prime.)

Numbers in red indicate palindrome numbers.

Numbers in blue indicate twin primes (primes separated by 2).

Select a radix below:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20