Tag: aws

Mocking AWS in Unit Tests

Posted in Python



This post covers a technique for mocking AWS in unit tests so that you can test functionality that normally requires API calls and handling responses, by mocking those responses instead of making actual API calls.

A Simple Example: Mocking API Responses

The Genuine AWS Call

Let's start with an example of an AWS API call. Here's how our program will be structured: start with a driver lister.py that creates an AWS secrets manager client and defines a function to list …

Tags:    python    pytest    tests    aws    mock    mocking   

AWSome Day Seattle Notes: Part 2: Networking, Security, and Miscellany

Posted in Charlesreid1


These notes are also available on git.charlesreid1.com here or in https://git.charlesreid1.com/charlesreid1/aws.

AWSome Day Notes: Part 2: Networking, Security, and Miscellany

Following are some notes from Amazon's AWSome Day (Tuesday, February 27, 2018).


Elastic: You'll see the word "elastic" on a lot of Amazon's services. The "elastic" concept refers to a service that is able to handle huge increases in traffic (Pokemon Go - number of users grew orders of magnitude faster/larger than what they designed for).

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): The AWS equivalent of a virtual private network (VPN). A VPC is …

Tags:    aws    cloud    vpc    containers    data engineering   

AWSome Day Seattle Notes: Part 1: The Basics

Posted in Charlesreid1


These notes are also available on git.charlesreid1.com here or in https://git.charlesreid1.com/charlesreid1/aws.

AWSome Day Notes: Part 1: The Basics

Following are some notes from Amazon's AWSome Day (Tuesday, February 27, 2018).

EC2 Costs and Scheduling

Cost of a node:

  • Important to understand Amazon's price model: users pay for access, not for hardware
  • Cost of AWS node is cost for on the spot access


  • If you can anticipate your usage, you can schedule instances in advance, and get a discount
  • Discount of 50% for one-year reservation (if you keep it busy for 6 months …

Tags:    aws    cloud    vpc    containers    data engineering