Category: TIL

September 2021 TILs

Posted in TIL


This year we've been keeping track of some of the surprising things that we have learned. For December, we're compiling a list of some of the things we've learned this year.

Here are the "Today I Learned", or TILs, from September 2021.

September 2, 2021:

The American engineer and supercomputer architect Seymour Cray is known to have been a hobby tunneller. Cray built an 8 by 4 feet …

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August 2021 TILs

Posted in TIL


This year we've been keeping track of some of the surprising things that we have learned. For December, we're compiling a list of some of the things we've learned this year.

Here are the "Today I Learned", or TILs, from August 2021.

August 4, 2021:

  • TIL the Boise, Idaho real estate market is booming. :expressionless: (Link)

August 6, 2021:

  • TIL the Licklider Transmission Protocol is used for point-to-point networks in deep space. (Link)

August 9, 2021:

  • TIL Bill Hwang lost $20 billion over the course of 10 days in March 2021. Roughly $1.5M per second. I did not know …

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July 2021 TILs

Posted in TIL


This year we've been keeping track of some of the surprising things that we have learned. For December, we're compiling a list of some of the things we've learned this year.

Here are the "Today I Learned", or TILs, from July 2021.

July 2, 2021:

  • TIL Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, who went to Harvard to study mathematics when he was 16, was recruited in his sophomore year to participate in a "purposely brutalizing psychological experiment" where students would share their deepest-held beliefs, views, and goals, which were then used to belittle and verbally abuse the students. The study was a …

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June 2021 TILs

Posted in TIL


This year, we've been keeping track of some of the surprising things that we have learned.

We call these "Today I Learned", or TILs. We have a private Slack channel set up to keep track of these, and occasionally we scrape the channel and collect the new TILs into a list.

Once you have a list, it makes it easy to review the things you've learned, and share it with other people!

Here are the "Today I Learned", or TILs, from June 2021.

June 27, 2021:

  • TIL "headship" is a word.

June 29, 2021:

  • TIL Superfund sites name a Potentially …

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