Tag: golang

Graphs for Bioinformatics, Part 2: Finding Eulerian Paths

Posted in Computational Biology


The Context: de Bruijn Graphs

In Part 1 of this post we discussed a data structure called a de Bruijn graph and covered its application to genome assembly. To summarize, a de Bruijn graph is a type of graph that represents a set of k-mers as a set of directed edges on …

Tags:    go    golang    rosalind    computational biology    bioinformatics    euler    recursion    backtracking    graphs    algorithms    hamiltonian    eulerian   

Graphs for Bioinformatics, Part 1: de Bruijn Graphs, Hamiltonian Paths, and Eulerian Paths

Posted in Computational Biology


The Context: Rosalind.info

To provide a bit of context for a discussion of Euler paths and Euler cycles: starting around December, a group of us in the Lab for Data Intensive Biology (DIB Lab) started working through the textbook Bioinformatics Algorithms: An Active Learning Approach and the associated website, Rosalind.info.

Rosalind.info is a site that is similar in style …

Tags:    go    golang    rosalind    computational biology    bioinformatics    euler    recursion    backtracking    graphs    algorithms    hamiltonian    eulerian   

Any Color You Like, As Long As It's 00ADD8

Posted in Go


A short post with some thoughts on how writing Go code has helped me learn to stop worrying and love auto-formatting tools.

Go code is terse. Not Python-terse, but terse. And unlike Java, you don't find yourself constantly resorting to the security blanket of objects - something that Python (mercifully) can go either way on.

I used Java when I taught computer science at South Seattle College, and remember telling students once that one day, students taking CSC 142/143 would be using Go instead of Java. These days, I'm not as certain of that, but given that Go's strengths are …

Tags:    go    golang    rosalind    bioinformatics    black    python    gofmt   

Recursive Backtracking in Go for Bioinformatics Applications: 3. Go Implementation of Backtracking

Posted in Computational Biology


This is the third in a series of three blog posts describing our solution to a bioinformatics problem from Rosalind.info, Problem BA1(i) (Find most frequent words with mismatches in a string). To solve this problem and generate variations of a DNA string as required, we implemented a recursive backtracking method in the Go programming language.

Tags:    go    golang    rosalind    computational biology    bioinformatics    recursion    backtracking    strings    combinatorics   

Recursive Backtracking in Go for Bioinformatics Applications: 2. Generating Variations

Posted in Computational Biology


This is the second in a series of three blog posts describing our solution to a bioinformatics problem from Rosalind.info, Problem BA1(i) (Find most frequent words with mismatches in a string). To solve this problem and generate variations of a DNA string as required, we implemented a recursive backtracking method in the Go programming language.

Table of Contents

Tags:    go    golang    rosalind    bioinformatics    recursion    backtracking    strings    combinatorics   

Recursive Backtracking in Go for Bioinformatics Applications: 1. Counting Variations

Posted in Computational Biology


This is the first in a series of three blog posts describing our solution to a bioinformatics problem from Rosalind.info, Problem BA1(i) (Find most frequent words with mismatches in a string). To solve this problem and generate variations of a DNA string as required, we implemented a recursive backtracking method in the Go programming language.

Table of Contents

Tags:    go    golang    rosalind    computational biology    bioinformatics    recursion    backtracking    strings    combinatorics   

Basic Data Structures in Go: Maps

Posted in Computational Biology


Basic Data Structures in Go: Maps

Continuing with our series of blog posts on what we've been learning about Go in the process of solving problems on Rosalind.info, this post will cover how some basic data structures work in Go, and how we used each to solve problems from the Chapter 1 Rosalind problems.


The simplest way to describe a map is to say it is a structure useful for storing key-value pairs.

Before we walk through what maps look like in Go, let's talk about what a map is (in the data structure sense). And to do …

Tags:    go    golang    rosalind    computational biology    bioinformatics    maps   

Learning Bioinformatics with Go and Rosalind

Posted in Computational Biology


Learning Go with Rosalind

What is Rosalind?

Rosalind.info is a website with programming challenges, similar in spirit to Project Euler, but with a focus on bioinformatics.

Problems in the bioinformatics track are presented grouped by chapter, with several problems per chapter. The problems are designed like a coding competition, with problems providing structured input files and expecting structured output from each calculation. Each time you solve a problem, a unique input is generated, and you have a time limit in which to run your code to solve the problem.

What is Go?

Go is a programming language that is …

Tags:    go    golang    rosalind    computational biology    bioinformatics