Tag: Software

First Post of the Fall, Part 2: Flaskadillo

Posted in Python


Flask + ILLO = Flaskadillo

On October 15, 2018, I had the opportunity to offer an in-lab learning opportunity (ILLO) at the Lab for Data Intensive Biology. The ILLO focused on Flask, a useful Python library for creating and running web servers. This library is useful because it has a very low learning curve, but also has the complexity to handle complicated, real-world projects.

As a part of this in-lab learning opportunity, I created repository with five simple Flask examples to highlight five useful capabilities of Flask.

The repository is called flaskadillo and it is available on git.charlesreid1.com or on …

Tags:    Github    Software    Python    Flask   

Current Projects

Posted in General


A list of various ongoing projects:

The Git College of Surgery:

Python + APIs:

  • building an API that calls APIs so you can API while you API (a webhook that calls a hook - see captain hook)
  • testing APIs with Python + requests (currently top secret, coming soon.)

Python + Command line:

  • command line utilities with python …

Tags:    Git    Github    Software    Python