
June 2021 TILs

Posted in TIL


This year, we've been keeping track of some of the surprising things that we have learned.

We call these "Today I Learned", or TILs. We have a private Slack channel set up to keep track of these, and occasionally we scrape the channel and collect the new TILs into a list.

Once you have a list, it makes it easy to review the things you've learned, and share it with other people!

Here are the "Today I Learned", or TILs, from June 2021.

June 27, 2021:

  • TIL "headship" is a word.

June 29, 2021:

  • TIL Superfund sites name a Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) who is held responsible (through legal and administrative actions) for cleaning up the site. (Link)

  • TIL that Operation Valuable/Fiend, an early CIA operation to overthrow the leftist government of Albania. It was sabotaged by Kim Philby, a Cambridge-educated double agent working as a Soviet mole inside MI6 (British Intelligence Service). (Link)

  • TIL about the Philby Tape. In a secret videotape from 1981, discovered by the BBC in the Stasi (East German Secret Police) archives in 2016, Philby describes his experience being recruited as a Soviet spy, his role in sabotaging various operations, and why he believes that his sabotage of Operation Valuable/Fiend prevented World War 3. (Link)

June 30, 2021:

  • TIL ginger, cardamom, and tumeric are all in the same plant family. (Link)

  • TIL the world produced 2.8 million tons of ginger in 2018. (I have no idea how to put that into perspective.) (Link)

Tags:    til   

Copying LetsEncrypt Certs Between Machines

Posted in Security


A quick post that details a useful operation: copying LetsEncrypt certificates from one machine to another.

(We also cover our use case: setting up certificates for private VPN networks that use public DNS entries.)

HTTPS, SSL Certificates, and LetsEncrypt

As a bit of background, the whole reason this is necessary, the whole reason we are dealing with the hassle of setting up SSL certificates, is to enable end-to-end encrypted connections to a server.

For example, we might have a web application that we want to make available over a VPN network. The web application would have a private IP address on the VPN network, say

Now, what we want is for clients connected to the VPN to be able to visit a domain, say, and be able to make encrypted connections to the web service at

We can do this (assuming we control the domain) by creating a public DNS entry for to point to Then when visitors type into their browser, if they are connected to the VPN they will reach the web service at

To make connections encrypted, however, so that users can type and make an encrypted connection to the server at, the server must have an SSL certificate for the domain.

Assuming the web service at cannot be reached from the outside world, it becomes necessary to perform several extra steps to enable SSL on the server:

  • First, the DNS entry for must be temporarily updated to point to a server that:

    • has a publicly-accessible IP address,
    • has LetsEncrypt and certbot installed,
    • is connected to or can connect to the VPN or private server,
    • has no services running on port 80
  • Second, the certbot utility must be run on the publicly-accessible server to request a new or renewed certificate This will put the new or renewed cert files into /etc/letsencrypt/live.

  • Third, the LetsEncrypt certificates are owned by the root user, they must be owned by the root user on the remote machine they are copied to, and SSH/SCP via the root user is (or should be!) prohibited, the certificate files must be compressed using tar, so they can be copied as a non-root user; and on the remote machine, they must be uncompressed to the appropriate location.

(Yes, there is always a relevant XKCD.)

In this post, we cover how this works, and why you might want to do this.

Create Certificates

The first time you create a private VPN certificate on a machine:

  • Log into the DNS provider
  • Create a DNS record - type A, pointing to the IP address of the public server.
  • Run the certbot command to create a certificate on the public server (see below).
  • Copy the certificates to the private VPN node using scp (see below).
  • Update the DNS record - type A, to point to the private VPN IP address of the private server.

Certbot Command

Command to create a certbot certificate (must be run as sudo):

if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "This script should be run as root."
    echo ""
    echo ""
    exit 1;

set -x


certbot certonly \
    --standalone \
    --non-interactive \
    --agree-tos \
    --email \
    -d ${DOM}

This command requires port 80 be available (the --standalone flag starts a standalone web server that binds to port 80). If port 80 is being used this command will fail to run and the cert will not be created.

Tar Compress Certs Command

Archive on the public server:

sudo tar -chvzf foobar_certs.tar.gz \
    /etc/letsencrypt/archive/${DOM} \
    /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/${DOM}.conf \

Secure Copy Certs Command

Use scp to copy certs to private remote machine:

scp foobar_certs.tar.gz user@

Untar Certs Command

On the private remote machine, untar the certs file copied over:

cd /
sudo tar -xvf ~/foobar_certs.tar.gz

Last, fix permissions for cert directories:

sudo chmod 700 /etc/letsencrypt/archive
sudo chmod -R 755 /etc/letsencrypt/archive/*
sudo chmod 700 /etc/letsencrypt/live
sudo chmod -R 755 /etc/letsencrypt/live/*
sudo chmod 700 /etc/letsencrypt/archive

Renew Certificates

When you renew a private VPN certificate on a machine:

  • Log into the DNS provider
  • Update the DNS record to a type A, pointing to the IP adress of the public server.
  • Run the certbot command to renew a certificate on the public server (see above).
  • Copy the certificates to the private VPN node (see above).
  • Untar the certificates into place on the private VPN node (see above).
  • Restore the DNS record - type A, to point to the private VPN IP address of private server again.

Tags:    letsencrypt    ssl    https    certificates   

Applied Gitflow

Posted in Git


This is a retroactive blog post. This post was authored in February 2022, using material authored in July 2020.

The most up-to-date version of this content is here:

How We Apply Gitflow

In some prior blog posts, we've covered a few patterns that we use for software development, including:

In this post, we'll get into some details about how we manage software in git repositories.

Specifically, we want to provide some details about how gitflow looks when it's being used to manage software with different versions, and when that software is being deployed in multiple environments.

The original gitflow pattern doesn't talk much about how software deployments in multiple environments fits in with the gitflow model, or even if it fits in the gitflow model.

With a few adjustments and patterns, gitflow can easily handle both. In this post we'll share patterns we have found useful when using gitflow to manage both deployments and releases.

The Tools

The main tool for this writeup is git, used for version control of the repository. GitHub and Gitea provide an interface to manage the git repository and to collaborate/review code. We use the gitflow model for managing branches and code, so we'll summarize it, and provide a link with the details.

We are also using a cloud provider where we upload the code to the cloud, and the code is run there. (Think AWS lambda function.) That code is separate from the git repository, so we need a way to track what code is in what environment. We'll cover how we do that, too.

Recap of Gitflow

Since this post is talking about how to apply Gitflow, let's go through a quick recap of how it works.

Gitflow requires that a few branches be created, but let's assume you're working in a repo already set up with Gitflow. In that case, regular development work looks like thi:

  • The develop branch is where the newest version is being worked on
  • Specific fixes or features go into their own feature branch
  • Feature branches are reviewed/tested before being merged into develop
  • When it is time for a new version, the accumulated features on develop are put into a new branch for the new version.
  • When the new version is ready, the main branch is updated to point to the new version branch. A new release is made from the main branch.

There is also a workflow for bug fixes for versions that have already been released:

  • A new hotfix branch is created from the version branch (which is also what the main branch is pointing to)
  • The changes are added to the hotfix branch
  • The hotfix branch is merged back into the version branch, the version number is bumped, and a new release is cut.
  • The hotfix branch is also merged into the develop branch, so that it will make it into future releases.

Deploying and Releasing

As the original author himself says on the page describing Gitflow, this model doesn't say much about how to handle deployments into multiple cloud environments.

There are two main actions that an operator can take, using the system we have devised:

  • deploy code (upload the code to a cloud stage, and have that version of the code running in the cloud)
  • release code (update which version of the code is considered the "latest version")

Additionally, the actions the operator can take will require certain variables to be defined - the location of the source code, and which cloud environment (development, integration, production) we're deploying to, for example. Those variables are defined using environment variables, so that we can use scripts to do deploy or release actions.

Environment File

Before covering the deploy and release scripts, here is an example environment file. The example release script below refers to these variables. The deploy script (no example provided, since it will inevitably be case-specific) also uses these environment variables. More environment variables can be added as needed, to grow with the complexity of the software and deployment process.


export PROJECTNAME_PACKAGENAME_HOME="${HOME}/path/to/package"

Deploy Action

The deploy action is the action that takes the code in its current state and uploads it to the cloud. That can take many forms depending on the cloud service being used, but for example deploying an AWS lambda function would mean creating a new .zip file from the lambda function code, and uploading that zip file to the corresponding lambda function using the AWS CLI.

The deploy action is a script that is run. It deploys the code in its current state in the repository. Environment variables are used to parameterize the script. There are environment variables to specify the repository location on disk, to specify the deployment stage, and any others that are needed.

The deploy script is also the place to assert certain conditions are true before the deploy action is taken. We keep it simple, but these can be expanded on:

  • Check various environment variables are set
  • Check environment variable values

These can be done in the deploy script directly, if the checks are simple, or they can be moved to an entire separate script like a hypothetical, which would be run before the deploy script (using a make rule dependency).

(Note that if checks are TOO strict, they can interfere with deployment, so they should be adjusted accordingly.)

Another step the deployment action might have before the actual deployment is to assemble any deployment configuration files. For example, if the deployment process requires a JSON file that is dynamically assembled from other bits of information, that could go in its own script that would be run before the deploy script (using a make rule dependency).

For this writeup, we keep things simple and do all the checks in the deploy script.

Release Action

The release action can be thought of as a git repository operation.

When does a release happen?

When using gitflow, features and bugfixes will accumulate in the develop branch. Eventually the time for a new release will come (scheduled, or because enough changes have accumulated). A new branch will be created that will "freeze" the code in whatever state the develop branch is in. (Freeze is in quotes, because there are small changes that need to be made to that "frozen" code before a release happens, but those are changes like bumping the version number - no core changes.)

Where does the release script come in?

Once the code in the release branch is ready to go, the release script is run. The script will create a git tag, reset the head of the branch corresponding to the release (the "stable release" branch, usually main) to the head of the pre-release branch - whatever branch you're on when the release script is being run. Using our convention, we name this branch release/v1 (prefixed with release/ and a v plus the major version number only).

What does the release script do?

The release script starts by running some checks to make sure the code is in a state that's ready to release. There must be no uncommitted files in the repo, there must be no changes to tracked files, and there must be no unpushed changes in the repository (local commits that haven't been pushed to the remote).

If those conditions are met, then the release script proceeds. The release script will start by creating a git tag, which records the date, time, and branch being released to. Next, the head of the branch to release to (usually main) will be reset to the head of the branch to release from (the "frozen" code that's all fixed up for the release). Finally, the release script will push the results of the reset operation, and the new tag, to the remote.

To keep it more general, the release script uses the concept of a "source" and "destination" branch - the source is the branch to release from, the destination is the branch to release to. The destination branch is the one whose head is reset to the source branch's head. (That should help clarify the script below a bit more.)

Also, the Makefile (which we cover below) will take care of providing the right destination and source branch names.

Release Script

Here is an example release script, which we would add to our repository at scripts/

set -euo pipefail
set -x


# Check that environment file has been sourced
    echo 'You must set the $PROJECTNAME_PACKAGENAME_HOME environment variable to proceed.'
    exit 1

# Check the script is being called correctly
if [[ $# != 2 ]]; then
    echo "Given a source (pre-release) branch and a destination (release) branch,"
    echo "this script does the following:"
    echo " - create a git tag"
    echo " - reset head of destination branch to head of source branch"
    echo " - push result to git repo"
    echo "Usage: $(basename $0) source_branch dest_branch"
    echo "Example: $(basename $0) release/v2 main"
    exit 1

# Check that all changes are committed
if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then
    echo "You have uncommitted files in your Git repository. Please commit or stash them."
    exit 1


# Check that there are no local commits that haven't been pushed yet
if [[ "$(git log ${REMOTE}/${PROMOTE_FROM_BRANCH}..${PROMOTE_FROM_BRANCH})" ]]; then
    echo "You have unpushed changes on your promote from branch ${PROMOTE_FROM_BRANCH}! Aborting."
    exit 1

RELEASE_TAG=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")-${PROMOTE_DEST_BRANCH}.release

# Check whether there are commits on the destination branch that aren't on the source branch (changes would be thrown away)
if [[ "$(git --no-pager log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline --no-merges -- $PROMOTE_DEST_BRANCH ^$PROMOTE_FROM_BRANCH)" != "" ]]; then
    echo "Warning: The following commits are present on $PROMOTE_DEST_BRANCH but not on $PROMOTE_FROM_BRANCH"
    git --no-pager log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline --no-merges $PROMOTE_DEST_BRANCH ^$PROMOTE_FROM_BRANCH
    echo -e "\nYou must transfer them, or overwrite and discard them, from branch $PROMOTE_DEST_BRANCH."
    exit 1

# Check that untracked files are not present
if ! git --no-pager diff --ignore-submodules=untracked --exit-code; then
    echo "Working tree contains changes to tracked files. Please commit or discard your changes and try again."
    exit 1

# Perform the actual release operations
git fetch --all
git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout ${REMOTE}/$PROMOTE_FROM_BRANCH
git checkout -B $PROMOTE_DEST_BRANCH
git tag $RELEASE_TAG
git push --tags $REMOTE

Breaking It Down

Let's break down the essential commands, starting with the checks:

git diff-index --quiet HEAD --


  • Checks the difference between the remote and local versions of the promote from branch
  • If this command turns up any commits, those are all local, unpushed commits

RELEASE_TAG=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")-${PROMOTE_DEST_BRANCH}.release

  • Creates a name for the git tag with the date and time, and branch being released to
  • This stores the release history in git tags

git --no-pager log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline --no-merges -- $PROMOTE_DEST_BRANCH ^$PROMOTE_FROM_BRANCH)

  • This command checks for any commits that are on the destination branch and not on the source branch
  • Because the destination branch's head will be reset, commits on the destination branch but not on the source branch would be lost
  • (This script could optionally add a --force flag, to power through the release even if this check fails)

git --no-pager diff --ignore-submodules=untracked --exit-code

  • Checks if there are any untracked changes in the working tree
  • If there are, the release can't proceed

Now here's a breakdown of the release process commands:

git fetch --all

  • Ensures we have an up-to-date picture of where the remotes are at

git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout ${REMOTE}/$PROMOTE_FROM_BRANCH

  • Checks out the source branch from the remote
  • This command is the reason why we have to make sure all local commits are pushed to the remote
  • The release process uses the remote version of the source/destination branches

git checkout -B $PROMOTE_DEST_BRANCH

  • This step forces the destination branch to be the same as the source branch.

git tag $RELEASE_TAG

  • Creates a record of what was released and when via a git tag


git push --tags $REMOTE

  • Pushes the results of the operations to the remote


Now we add a Makefile with rules for releasing and deploying.

The first rule is the release rule - run this when the current branch is release/vX and it's ready for it's final release.

CB := $(shell git branch --show-current)

    @echo "Releasing current branch $(CB) to mainx"
    scripts/ $(CB) mainx

The $(CB) is short for current branch.

Now on to the deploy rule.

Because we might want to deploy the code in an arbitrary state (temporarily deploying a feature branch to the development stage, for example), the deploy script and deploy rule are intended to deploy the code in its current state, and don't have the same kinds of checks as the release script.


As mentioned above, the deploy script will be case-specific so we don't provide an example.

How does the deploy script know which environment to deploy to? It depends on the environment file that was sourced, and the value of the PROJECTNAME_PACKAGENAME_STAGE variable. The deploy script should be checking that that environment variable is set to a valid value before proceeding with the deploy.

More Details

For more details, see the full writeup on our wiki here:

Tags:    git    github    programming    gitflow    hubflow    patterns   

March 2022

How to Read Ulysses

July 2020

Applied Gitflow

September 2019

Mocking AWS in Unit Tests

May 2018

Current Projects